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Energy medicine
Energy work - Kinesiology - Vibration and information medicine - Chakra work
What exactly is energy work? (heilnetz.de)
Vibrational and information medicine - the healing power of symbols :
Symbols have fascinated people in all ages and cultures. Beyond the mind, the soul apparently understands its own language, even if the mind cannot comprehend it. The brain thinks in symbols, as the Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung (1875 - 1961) recognized. Symbols can even be used for healing purposes.
Symbols can compress complex information to its lowest denominator. Like a "stop sign", they can be understood immediately, if not by the rational mind, then at least by the subconscious. As mediators between the inner and outer world, symbols play an outstanding role in activating self-healing powers. Working with symbols as the "language of the soul and the universe" therefore often reaches mental and spiritual dimensions and thus promotes therapy at the causal level.
Kinesiology is a relatively new alternative treatment method that was developed around 50 years ago by the American chiropractor Dr. George Goodheart and literally means "the study of movement." Kinesiology sees itself as a holistic method that involves the body, mind and soul. It combines elements from traditional Chinese medicine and chiropractic.
Kinesiology: muscle testing, effects, treatment | praktischArzt
Chakra healing and balancing meditations can be very helpful in bringing body, mind and soul back into harmony. Energy centers (chakras) are activated, cleansed and opened. The aim is to restore the free flow of life energy (prana, chi or ka) and to release blockages and disturbances in one or more chakras.
Energy work : Definition from the Healing Network Glossary :
The basis is the model of a subtle energy field, which includes mental, emotional and spiritual aspects beyond the physical body. The subtle energy field can be perceived and influenced via energy channels (meridians), energy centers ( chakras ) or energy shells (aura). Well-known methods include Bach flowers, homeopathy, kinesiology, quantum healing and shamanic healing methods. The methods range from well-known applications such as acupuncture, chakra work, channeling and quantum healing and shamanic healing work, to name just a small selection.