Coping with grief - Spiritual healing - Energy medicine - Forest bathing
Imagination therapy depth psychological procedure
Practice for psychotherapy and coaching Munich
Psychological media coaching
Client experience
Here you will find testimonials from clients with whom I had the pleasure of being part of their healing journey.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for the trust you have placed in me.

Sofia J., Munich
Thank you very much for your sensitive way of understanding the core issue and blowing away my pain with an energetic treatment.
Client 67 years, distance healing

With her friendly and approachable manner, Ms. Antulov brings me into contact with my inner self, the subconscious and everything in between. Clearly understandable and self-empowering.
Thanks so much!
Client 47 years, distance healing

Dear Vanessa, thank you again for your great work and support in connecting with my spirit guide, it was a wonderful experience that will keep me busy for a long time.
Client 42 years
NR, Rüsselsheim
Ricarda F., Munich